Ambrico Place, New Lynn - Parking changes Ambrico Place, New Lynn - Parking changes
Proposal status: Feedback closed 27 August 2020. Last updated 5 October 2020.
Reference number: RTV-312
In August 2020, we proposed changes in your area
To imporve parking availability for Te Toi Uku - Crown Lynn & Clayworks Museum, we proposed the installation of bus parking on Ambrico Place, New Lynn. The proposal involved the restriction of 3 car parking spaces.
The changes proposed were:
- changing 3 P120 car parking spaces in front of the museum into a space for buses at certain times
- bus parking restriction would be applied between 10pm to 2pm, from Tuesday to Sunday
- on Mondays, these spaces will have P120 restrictions from 8am to 6pm
- the bus parking spaces will be unrestricted parking spaces at all other times.
In order to reduce the impact of parking loss for residents and visitors, we have limited the parking restrictions to specific times. Overall, these proposed changes aimed to increase the parking availability for more people in the area. This proposal would provide a safe place for tour buses visiting the museum to park with as little impact to residents as possible.
Download the proposed drawing for Ambrico Place (PDF 285KB)
Proposal outcome
This proposal will not proceed to the next stage of detailed planning, following feedback from the community. This is due to insufficient support for the proposal. In particular, residents identified concerns with the loss of parking in this area and an increase in the potential risk to pedestrians, especially children.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns.
New Lynn: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Ambrico Place are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).
Community feedback
The feedback we received was mostly negative, with the majority of people objecting to the proposed parking restrictions and the allowance of buses into Ambrico Place.
The community raised multiple concerns that the proposal would make Ambrico Place unsafe, particularly for the high number of children in the area due to the playground and kindergarten nearby so promoting large vehicle traffic would unnecessarily increase the risk of pedestrian accidents.
A summary of this feedback and our responses to community questions and concerns:
- Buses have already been an issue in the area, parking illegally on broken yellow lines and making it unsafe for drivers and pedestrians. We understand your concern, however, there are no place for buses to park on Ambrico Place. The problem you refer to is on Rankin Avenue and we are dealing with that separately.
- Instead of a proposal, respondent requested for a 'No Buses Beyond This Point' sign to be put up at the entrance of Ambrico Place to minimise potential accidents (such as the bus hitting two parked cars) from occurring. Thank you for your concern. The accident that occurred on Ambrico Place was partially due to driver misjudgement and partially because of vehicles parking illegally on the traffic island. The traffic island on Ambrico Place is used by residents and workers in the area for parking, however, this creates safety and visibility issues and it is clearly stated in road user rule that parking on the traffic island is illegal. In addition to this, all sign and road markings are done according to Traffic Control Device (TCD) standards, and unfortunately we do not have sign to restrict buses going into a street.
- Suggestion to move the bus parking to outside New Lynn Kindergarten - there is a concrete berm that is not being used. Thank you for your suggestion. Due to manoeuvrability and safety reasons we cannot allow the buses to park on the footpath/berm. If allowed, this would create major safety issues for the residents and kids going to kindergarten.
- Suggestion for the issue of 'resident permits' at no charge to residents if parking in the area needs to be controlled. On-street parking is a finite and valuable public asset and is used on a first come first serve basis unless stated otherwise, therefore, Auckland Transport does not issue 'residents only' parking anymore. The other alternative is to propose a Residential Parking Zone, which is not feasible at Ambrico Place for various reasons.
- Request for street to be signed well and sufficient lighting. We understand your concern. Lighting and street signage are under the responsibility of Auckland Council. We suggest contacting the Council for this request as Auckland Transport do not have the authority to make these changes.
- Suggestion for a pedestrian crossing for children, and other safety measures in place, such as clear signage and perhaps a lower speed limit on the street, as people already drive too fast on Ambrico Place, which is dangerous for pedestrians. While a pedestrian crossing did not come under the scope of the project, we will pass on your comments to the right team to look at the possibility of a pedestrian crossing on Ambrico Place.
- Suggestion for stricter regulation in its control for the safety of residents. We will pass your comments to our enforcement team. In the meantime, please feel free to contact AT if you notice any illegal or unsafe parking behaviour.
- Resident says they have regularly communicated with AT and local MP on parking issues in the area and there has still been no resolution. Thank you for your feedback. A major parking change is something that is not within the scope of the current project because of financial reasons; however, we will keep note of this to investigate when we do a wider study of New Lynn town centre.
Next steps
We will not proceed with this proposal due to feedback from our consultation. No further action will be taken. Thank you to those who provided feedback.