Kayle Glen, West Harbour - Broken yellow lines Kayle Glen, West Harbour - Broken yellow lines
Consultation status: updated 25 June 2018
Proposal reference: BYL-269
Proposal update
In May we asked for feedback on our proposal to install broken yellow lines on Kayle Glen in West Harbour. We are updating this proposal with some changes based on the feedback we have received. We will be opening a second consultation for the second proposal in July 2018.
If you have already submitted feedback on our first proposal, please be assured that this will be considered alongside any new feedback we receive.
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing new broken yellow lines on Kayle Glen in West Harbour. This involves the removal of approximately 3 parking spaces at the beginning of the road.
View the consultation drawings for Kayle Glen (PDF 521KB)
Why the changes are needed
These changes are needed to make sure that parked cars do not block visibility and obstruct vehicle access to the remainder of Kayle Glen. Cars parked in this location mean that some drivers are mounting the berm to access Kayle Glen. We expect that this proposal will significantly improve access and safety for residents and service vehicles.