McLaughlins Road, Wiri - Broken yellow lines McLaughlins Road, Wiri - Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: closed 15 August 2018, last updated 27 July 2020
Reference number: BYL-301
In August 2018, we proposed changes in your area
We invited community feedback on our proposal for the installation of broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on the western side of McLaughlins Road and at the roundabout at McLaughlins Road and Wilco Place. The aim of this proposal was to improve the accessibility and safety for pedestrians and drivers on McLaughlins Road. This proposal will still go ahead, but with some changes to the design and to the construction timeframe.
Download the original proposal drawing for McLaughlins Road (PDF 772KB)
July 2020 - Proposal update
On McLaughlins Road
The proposal to install broken yellow lines all along McLaughlins Road was expected to maintain two-way traffic flow and to improve visibility and access to driveways for heavy vehicles.
Based on the feedback received during the external consultation in August 2018, it was decided that instead of installing broken yellow lines, Auckland Transport would investigate the possibility of a heavy vehicle restriction on the western side of McLaughlins Road. Unfortunately, during our detailed design phase it was found that heavy vehicle only restriction is not legally feasible.
Instead, we will install advisory signage on the western side to advise truck drivers to park on the eastern side of the road. This advisory sign will read: ‘Truck and trailers. Please park on the other side of the road'. We will only install broken yellow lines at several driveways on the eastern side of the road.
McLaughlins Road and Wilco Place roundabout
The proposal to install broken yellow lines at this roundabout was to improve visibility for pedestrians crossing at the roundabout and these will still be installed at the McLaughlins Road and the Wilco Place roundabout.
Download the updated proposal drawings for McLaughlins Road (PDF 372KB)
Why the changes are needed
Parked heavy vehicles are affecting accessibility and safety along McLaughlins Road.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed with changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
- Suggestion to install localised broken yellow lines for those locations affected by poor visibility, rather than an all-encompassing approach.
- Suggestion that broken yellow lines should be installed on the eastern side of McLaughlins Road; parking is required on the western side of the road as there are more businesses. Increased pedestrian safety risk if visitors are required to cross McLaughlins Road.
- Request to stop the broken yellow lines at the driveway of 68 McLaughlins Road as parking required outside business premises.
- Concern that the proposal removes the designated waiting area for petrol tankers diverted during an emergency at the local Wiri Oil Terminal. The proposal would severely affect the emergency response procedure of this terminal and its users.
We are amending the proposal by banning heavy vehicles from parking on the western side of McLaughlins Road, as well as some sections on the eastern side of the road. This will be introduced instead of No Stopping At All Times restrictions. This will help alleviate the access and visibility issues caused by heavy vehicles parking on the western side of the road, whilst retaining on-street car parking for staff and visitors of local businesses.
- Suggestion to install broken yellows on both sides of McLaughlins Road. On-street parking is required for heavy vehicles on the eastern side of McLaughlins Road and cars on the western side of the road to accommodate parking demand. Removing parking on both sides would also encourage higher vehicle speeds on this road.
- Request to not install broken yellow lines in the Stonehill Business Park. Broken yellow lines are proposed at the roundabout of the business park to improve the safety of pedestrians in the area.
- Request to extend broken yellow lines by an additional 5 metres to the west of the entry/exit to 40 McLaughlins Rd to allow for better visibility when exiting the site. The proposed 5 metre stretch of broken yellow lines outside 40 McLaughlins Rd and wide driveway provides adequate visibility from this driveway. Additionally, a parking ban for heaving vehicles on the eastern side of the road will assist with visibility when exiting this site.
- Request to extend broken yellow lines by several metres on the eastern side of the driveway at 1 Wilco Place to improve visibility for vehicles exiting the site. Broken yellow lines will be installed at the roundabout outside 1 Wilco Place to improve the safety of pedestrians in the area.
- Suggestion to install a speed camera on McLaughlins Road as vehicles will speed on the road during evenings and weekends. Unfortunately the installation of a speed camera is not feasible as part of this project, however we will be monitoring vehicle speeds on McLaughlins Road.
Next steps
These works are scheduled for December 2020. The reason for the delay is due to time taken to obtain external feedback and the impact of Covid-19. Our contractors will send notices to residents or businesses affected by works 48 hours before the work starts. We may need to delay the work or make other plans if the weather is poor or the contractor changes. If this happens, we will contact you again.