Vision Zero project updates Vision Zero project updates


Road to Zero: Auckland Transport’s submission to the Ministry of Transport

AT submits feedback to the Ministry of Transport (MoT) on its national draft road safety strategy consultation: Road to Zero (RTZ)

In September 2019 Auckland Transport (AT) provided its submission/feedback to the MoT’s Road to Zero draft road safety strategy. The New Zealand Government wants to drive substantial improvements in roads safety across the country. The final strategy is due out late 2019.

In its submission, AT strongly supports the MoT’s Vison Zero goal that has a clear focus on reducing death and serious injury on New Zealand’s transport network. AT’s position is that Vision Zero is as an ethical priority for Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs).

AT’s submission asks for bold targets from the government in line with the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) and Auckland’s new Vison Zero for Tāmaki Makaurau, strategy.

Summary of AT’s submission

  1. AT strongly supports MoT’s Vision Zero approach to road safety.
  2. The target which has been adopted in Auckland is more ambitious than the MoT’s Road to Zero strategy and we believe the national target should be stronger.
  3. Urban transport safety needs to be given a strong mandate in the RTZ to support Auckland’s efforts to eliminate death and serious injuries (DSi). In Auckland 72% of DSi in the past five years occurred on the urban network. Almost half of all New Zealand DSi are urban (48% for 2014 -2018).
  4. Set speed limits according to Safe System principles. AT recommends that speed limits are safe and survivable
    • 30 km/h where there is a mix of people walking, cycling, children, elderly and motor vehicle traffic.
    • 50 km/h other areas with intersections and high risk of side collisions.
    • 70 km/h on rural roads without a median barrier to reduce the risk of head-on collisions.
  5. AT recommends that the strategy be strengthened by specific actions for improved Māori road safety outcomes
    • Mana Whenua as kaitiaki, Māori led approaches and interventions, decision-making criteria to ensure targeted investment for improving outcomes for Māori.
  6. To address previous and current gaps the RTZ strategy needs to make sure that funding is readily available when it is needed and that there is enough to cover planned safety work. Also ensure that the safety priority is supported in practice through funding processes.
  7. AT strongly support a focus on leadership, capability and capacity to deliver a Vision Zero approach. Leadership for road safety in policy and decision making is key to eliminating deaths and serious injuries on our transport network.

Download the full submission report (PDF 982KB, 22 pages)