Calgary Street, Sandringham – Speed bump Calgary Street, Sandringham – Speed bump

Proposal status: Feedback closed on 14 October 2021

Reference number: RTV-383

Proposal outcome

In September 2021, we proposed lower driver speeds and reduce the occurrence of rat running by installing an additional speed bump on Calgary Street, Sandringham. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.

What happens next

We anticipate the changes will be constructed between February and March 2022. We will be in touch with local residents and business prior to any construction taking place.

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge.  A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.

The majority of respondents supported this proposal and stated that the additional speed bump will reduce high speeds on Calgary Street. Residents noted that they have witnessed too may near misses as a result of drivers speeding on Calgary Street, and hope that the proposal will prevent speeding and increase pedestrian safety for residents walking in the area. Those in favour of the speed bump also expressed concerns about an increase in rat running on Calgary Street, and hope that the speed bump will reduce bad driving behaviour and improve road safety in the area.

Speed bump design

  • Concerns that the speed bump will be noisy and cause vibrations.
    Speed bumps are not found to damage vehicles or significantly increase road noise when travelled over by vehicles at appropriate speeds. Speed calming devices such as tables, humps, and cushions are designed to AT design standards. These standards dictate the profile and spacing of these devices and the type of roads they are suitable for, to create an effective reduction in driver speeds while minimising increases in noise and vibration levels. We consider speed calming measures, such as installing speed bumps, to be an important tool in reducing high vehicle speeds and crashes, as well as rat running, which are two current safety issues on Calgary Street.
  • Concern that there are too many speed bumps already in the area.
    We constructed speed calming devices on Calgary Street according to AT standards and processes. They are an important measure in minimising harm by reducing driver speeds and crashes on this road. This creates a safer, more accessible network for the local community, especially vulnerable road users such as children. As such, we do not propose any changes to these devices.


  • Concerns that the speed bump's reductions in driving speeds will not prevent drivers from "rat running".
    During our investigations, we noted that drivers are rat running through Kiwitea Street, onto Calgary Street, and then onto Arabi Street. AT hopes that the additional speed bump on Calgary Street, which will be placed near the existing speed bumps, will reduce rat running in the area.
    We will continue to monitor speeding and traffic volumes after installation. 


  • Remove parking down the southern side of Calgary Street between Arabi and Kiwitea Street. Parked vehicles on this stretch block driver visibility for vehicles exiting Kiwitea Street.
    As this is a residential area, we need to maintain a number of parking bays, especially for those who do not have off-street parking. Currently, the parked vehicles on Calgary Street prevent people from driving at higher speeds, especially along the stretch of road between the speed bumps.
  • The speed bump should be installed on Kiwitea Street instead to reduce rat running, as Kiwitea Street does not currently have any speed calming measures installed on it.
    AT receive many requests for speed calming across Auckland, and we prioritise these based on factors such as vehicle speeds and crashes. Speed calming is an important part of reducing speeds, crashes, and rat running, and we will continue to monitor traffic and vehicles on Kiwitea Street to see if more speed calming is needed.
    You can request further speed calming measures in your area via our feedback form here. You can also read more about AT's Safe Speeds programme and Residential Speed Management programme here.
  • Turn Calgary Street into a one-way street.
    Calgary Street currently functions optimally as a two-way street. We will not proceed to change Calgary Street into a one-way. The road is wide enough for two vehicles to pass one another, and only a low to medium number of vehicles park along this section of the road, which leaves enough space for vehicles to pass one another. Changing this road into a one-way will only shift existing issues of traffic congestion and high driver speeds onto neighbouring roads.


  • Install a speed bump on Fowlds avenue.
    Thank you for your request. Fowlds Avenue is currently part of AT's Residential Speed Management Programme, and we are investigating introducing speed calming measures on this street. You can find out more information about the Residential Speed Management Programme here.
  • Consider safe places for people to cross the road on Calgary Street, as lots of children walk in the area to and from school and there is currently no official, safe crossing point on Calgary Street.
    For a formal crossing to be installed on Calgary Street, there needs to be significant pedestrian demand for a crossing and a large number of pedestrians crossing at this location, such as being near a school. You can send us a formal request for a crossing and suggest where you would like it located using this form.
  • Set a 30km/h speed limit on Calgary Street
    AT is currently looking into reducing speeds area-wide across the network, so please allow some time for this area to be looked into further. You can have your say on our Safe Speeds programme until the 14th November and provide feedback here. You can also request for Calgary Street to be included in the Safe Speeds programme using our online form.
  • Build out the kerb on Calgary Street like it is on Lincoln Street, Ponsonby.
    We installed the chicanes on Lincoln Street for traffic calming measures. As there are many speed bumps on Calgary Street, AT will not add any further traffic calming measures or combine the two speed calming approaches.
  • Build an additional speed bump on Arabi Street, between Calgary Street and Halesowen Avenue, as there is a current issue with cars speeding down here and not stopping for the give way restrictions at the Arabi and Calgary Street intersection.
    AT hopes that the additional speed bump on Calgary Street will reduce rat running through Arabi and Kiwitea Street. Traffic calming measures, like speed bumps, slow driver speeds down and limit rat-running from happening. Every year, AT receive many requests for speed calming measures to be installed across Auckland. We prioritise these requests based on factors such as vehicle crashes and speeds. We will continue to monitor speeds along Arabi Street and Kiwitea Street.
  • Turn the speed bump into a raised zebra crossing to improve safe pedestrian corridors in the area and promote active modes.
    Thank you for your request. Please submit a formal request to us and include the suggested location of the raised zebra crossing so we can undertake a proper investigation.

We're proposing improvements in your area

Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing some improvements to your area.

On behalf of everyone at Auckland Transport, we hope this letter finds you and your whānau well during the change in alert levels. As part of our work to keep Aucklanders moving, we are proposing to lower driver speeds and reduce the occurrence on rat running on Calgary Street by installing an additional speed bump. We ask for just a few minutes of your time to give us your feedback.

We are proposing to:

      • Install a speed bump outside no.32 and no.33 Calgary Street, which will guide drivers to slow down. The speed bump will be of the same design as the other speed bumps located towards the western end of Calgary Street.
      • Install signage and paint road markings to alert road users to new speed bump.

Download the proposal drawing for Calgary Street (PDF 3.5MB)

We received complaints of vehicles rat running through Calgary Street via Kiwitea Street and onto Arabi Street. Rat running happens when motorists use residential side streets as a short cut, often at a high speed. This proposal aims to address this issue of rat running by lowering vehicle speeds, making it difficult for motorists to rat run through Calgary Street. The speed bump will further improve the safety of pedestrians walking in the area, particularly for families who walk to and from Edendale School.

Give your feedback for Calgary Street

If you would like to post in your feedback, download and print our feedback form template, fill in your details and send it freepost using the address details on the form.

What happens next

      • We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
      • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
      • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.

Calgary Street, Sandringham: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Calgary Street are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).