Rosebank Road and Victor Street, Avondale – Pedestrian safety improvements Rosebank Road and Victor Street, Avondale – Pedestrian safety improvements

Proposal status: Feedback closed 5 July 2021

Reference number: MIP2021-038

Proposal outcome

In June 2021, we proposed changes to improve pedestrian safety at Rosebank Road and Victor Street, Avondale. These changes are in response to requests from Rosebank School and Avondale College to improve safety for children as they walk to and from school and the local parks. After reviewing all the feedback we received, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.   

What happens next

We anticipate the changes will be constructed by the end of the 2022/2023 financial year. We will be in touch with local residents and businesses prior to any construction taking place.

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. The majority of respondents were supportive of this proposal. In their feedback, people reported that the changes would make it easier to cross the road and improve safety.

A summary of the additional comments and queries we received, and our responses to them, is below. 

Rosebank Road - Eastdale Road - Avondale Road intersection 

  • Request to add the missing leg of the signalised crossing on Rosebank Road at the entrance to Avondale College and make the crossing a barnes dance sequence to support active modes. The missing leg has been added to the plans but the possibility of adding a barnes dance sequence, where all pedestrians can cross on all crossings simultaneously and all vehicles must stop, has not been progressed at this time due to issues around capacity and delays at this intersection. 
  • Request for bus priority measures at the Rosebank Road - Eastdale Road - Avondale Road intersection as the merging of two lanes into one in each direction creates long queues which reduces public transport reliability and is hazardous for active modes. This proposal is focussed on improvements to pedestrian safety. A longer-term plan would be required to address issues for public transport. 
  • Query regarding when the connected communities route will be built on New North Road. For details and updates on this project please click here. 

Underlying issues 

  • Concern that this proposal does not address the issue of traffic congestion or road safety on Rosebank Road, where people use the median strip incorrectly, make illegal turning manoeuvres, turn in and out of driveways and park illegally. The aim of this proposal is to improve pedestrian safety. NZ Police should be contacted for illegal use of the central median and turning movements. We recommend regularly reporting illegally parked vehicles to our parking enforcement call centre, which operates 24 hours, 7 days a week: 09 355 3553. 
  • Concern that AT has not engaged with the community or schools to find ways to resolve the underlying safety concern which is driver behaviour on Rosebank Road. Auckland Transport is actively working with all schools to encourage active modes of travel, such as walking and cycling, as part of the Travelwise programme. As school pupils move to more active modes of travel, this should reduce driver numbers at the school gate and the associated safety concerns raised by both school pupil parents and also other road users. However, should bad driver behaviour be observed this should be report to NZ Police. 
  • Concern that the changes are minor and expensive and will not improve safety. These measures are minor, inexpensive and are centred on improving the existing pedestrian facilities and also provide a new facility at the Victor Street intersection. All of these measures are designed to increase pedestrian safety and encourage this mode of travel. Reducing the reliance on vehicle travel by providing safe, attractive alternative modes of travel is one of the measures that Auckland Transport is using to tackle both congestion and move towards Vision Zero. 

Victor Street crossing 

  • Concern that the raised crossing on Victor Street is too close to the intersection and turning cars will not have time to stop for people crossing. Vehicles turning into a side road are expected to be moving slowly and the crossing is placed to enable vehicles to stop. 

Aspen Street and Rosebank Road intersection 

  • Request for a keep clear zone to be painted on the road at the Aspen Street and Rosebank Road intersection to help reduce congestion at school pickup and drop-off times and make it safer for pedestrians. The congestion also reduces visibility, so drivers cannot see people crossing the road. We do not place Keep Clear markings at such locations due to issues around compliance and consistency and the clear guidance provided by the Road Code. It is also important to note that Keep Clear markings do not address congestion. 

We're proposing improvements in your area

Rosebank School and Avondale College have asked us to improve safety for children as they walk to and from school and the local parks. We are proposing to upgrade several pedestrian crossing points along Rosebank Road and to install a new raised pedestrian crossing on Victor Street.

We are proposing improvements at the following locations, from north to south – 

  • Rosebank Road / Eastdale Road / Avondale Road intersection: 
  • Reconstruct the kerbs on each corner to re-align the crossing points, including adjusting the position of the signal poles. 
  • Install tactile pavers which are yellow guidance paving markers to help the visually impaired find and safely cross the road, on each leg of the crossing 
  • Realign the crossing on Eastdale Road. 
  • Re-paint the road markings and broken yellow lines.  
  • 184 Rosebank Road signalised pedestrian crossing: 
  • Reconstruct the footpath on the northern side of the crossing. 
  • Reconstruct the kerbs for the crossing and install tactile pavers at both the crossing and the adjacent signalised access road into Avondale College. 
  • 164 Rosebank Road pedestrian refuge crossing: 
  • Install new side islands to align with the existing pedestrian refuge islands. 
  • Reconstruct the footpath and install tactile pavers. 
  • Install new signs to make the crossing point more visible. 
  • 153 Rosebank Road signalised crossing: 
  • Reconstruct the kerbs for the crossing and install tactile pavers.  
  • Reposition the signal poles to align with the new kerb. 
  • Repaint the bus stop markings at #156 Rosebank Rd. 
  • Victor Street and Rosebank Road intersection: 
  • Install a new pedestrian crossing raised to the level of the footpath, including a new footpath and tactile pavers. 
  • Install new signs, including orange reflective discs, paint new road markings and broken yellow lines to help make the crossing more visible. 
  • Plant new grass berms on both sides of the crossing. 
  • Repaint the bus stop marking at #149 Rosebank Rd. 
  • No parking will be removed as there are existing broken yellow lines here. 

Download proposal drawings (PDF 3.25MB)

We have investigated Rosebank Road, Avondale between Eastdale Road and Victor Street and agree it needs to be made safer.  The proposed improvements will make crossing the road safer for everyone, including children going to school. The raised crossing and new signs on Victor Street will help slow down driver speeds as they turn in and out of the street. People crossing the road and drivers will be able to see each other more easily.  

Give your feedback for Rosebank Road and Victor Street, Avondale - Pedestrian safety improvements  

If you would like to post in your feedback, download and print our feedback form template, fill in your details and send it to Freepost using the address details on the form. 

What happens next 

  • We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.  
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage. 
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey. 

More information 

  • This proposal is supported by the Auckland regional fuel tax. 
  • There will be no on-street parking loss as a result of these changes. 
  • Most of the changes are to footpaths. This will minimise disruption to traffic on Rosebank Road during construction. 

Avondale: Safe with us 

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Rosebank Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).