Have your say on phase three of proposed safe speed limits Have your say on phase three of proposed safe speed limits
Auckland Transport (AT) urges the public to have its say – on the third phase of proposed safe speed limits for Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.
In line with AT’s Vision Zero goals, the project sets out to reduce speeds on approximately 1,646 roads in Auckland – 19 per cent of the AT road network – and includes residential areas, high-risk rural areas and roads near marae.
Schools also feature prominently in the proposal, with 980 roads near 82 schools identified for speed reductions.
There are also 30km/h speed limit proposals for the Devonport, Takapuna and Glen Innes town centres.
Shane Ellison, AT’s Chief Executive, urges people to think about their whānau out on the road every day; as we move into public engagement today for the third phase of the safe speeds programme.
“Too many people are dying on our roads and we simply must do everything we can to keep them safe. Our tamariki are so vulnerable outside schools – so it’s really important for us all that schools featured heavily in this proposal.”
“We have recently seen really promising results come in from our previous speed limit reductions in 2020 – showing fewer people are dying on roads where speed limits were lowered, but we have so much more to do.”
The five-week public consultation is open from today and features 16 online webinars.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions there will be no in-person community drop-in sessions. However, there are multiple channels for the public to engage with Auckland Transport and the project team around the proposals.
The public hearings process has also shifted to an online platform, with public hearings set for April 7.
In 2020, safe and appropriate speed limits were introduced on more than 600 roads across Auckland. This included our city centre, high-risk rural roads, residential areas and the town centres of Ōtāhuhu, Orewa, Mairangi Bay and Torbay.
The second consultation phase of proposed safe speed limits (consulted on from September – November 2021) was a mix of roads near schools and town centres, as well as urban, residential and rural roads. The public summary report from this consultation will be available from late March/early April.
For more information on this consultation, or to provide your feedback, please click here.
AT’s Safe Speeds programme supports its Vision Zero goal of zero deaths and serious injuries on Auckland’s roads by 2050. For more information on the Safe Speeds programme, click here.