Viaduct Cycleway and Enhancements (Project WAVE) Viaduct Cycleway and Enhancements (Project WAVE)

From May to August 2021, Auckland Transport (AT) trialled Project WAVE, a new street layout within the Viaduct that includes a cycleway, a one-way system, and increased loading zones.

Project overview

The trial cycleway and loading zones were well used, and the one-way system calmed traffic. In late 2021, we announced we would bring the cycleway and street enhancements to a higher quality, permanent standard.

In early 2022 we made some minor improvements, based on feedback and monitoring from the trial. We added more bollards, made planter boxes more visible, and repaired cracked asphalt. Further construction was undertaken from late 2022, with the project completed in early 2023.

Planned changes include:

  • Shifting the cycleway on Market Place over to the west (apartment) side of the road. This will help improve safety for all road users and make the cycleway easier to use.
  • Installing a raised pedestrian crossing across the southern end of Market Place, at the intersection with Pakenham Street West, to improve pedestrian visibility, safety, and accessibility.
  • Raising the intersection of Market Place and Customs Street West and install three pedestrian crossings, to slow vehicles and improve safety for all road users.
  • Maintaining on-street parking, losing three car parks overall to provide more space for loading and a relocated mobility park.
  • Improving access, visibility, and signage for the loading zones we trialled, so they are easier to locate and use.
  • Add planters and seating to enhance the look and feel of the area.
  • Installing bike racks so there’s somewhere convenient to securely park your bike.

View a map of the upgrade locations (PDF 262KB).

Download the Viaduct Cycleway and Enhancements design (PDF 5.5MB)

Download the Viaduct Cycleway and Enhancements street furniture layout (PDF 4.8MB)


May-August 2021 - Project WAVE trial.

September 2021 - Public feedback and data collection during the trial, supports making the cycleway and street enhancements permanent, with some changes.

January 2022 - Minor improvements made.

May 2022 - Public feedback sought on the permanent design.

Late 2022 - early 2023 - Construction.

K​ey changes

Completing the city centre cycle loop

Though short in distance, the Viaduct Cycleway is a vital link in Auckland’s growing cycleway network. It connects two of our busiest cycleways and allows people on bikes to travel from West Auckland and Karangahape Road to Downtown and the Eastern Beaches, all on a protected cycleway.

Download the Viaduct Cycleway Map (PDF 62KB

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