A suspicious website is pretending to be Auckland Transport. Avoid atparking.co.nz and never give your information to any website you don't trust. All our parking information is on at.govt.nz.

Pay for your parking permit Pay for your parking permit

Pay for a Critical Services permit.

Once your Critical Services parking permit is approved, you can pay for it online or by cheque.

Details for your permit 


Permits are electronic

Permits are electronic and will be activated when approved and paid.

Ways to pay

AT-approved credit account holders

For customers that have an Auckland Transport credit account for permit payment, the invoice balance will be debited to your account once the permit has been approved.

Pay online with Account2Account

Enter your invoice number and permit number and select pay, then follow the instructions to pay by using the Account2Account facility.

Account2Account is a way to make a secure one-off payment from your bank account directly to ours.

Account2Account is available for customers of these banks: ANZ, ASB, BNZ, KiwiBank, TSB, Westpac.

Pay online with credit or debit card

Enter your invoice number and permit number and select pay, then follow the instructions to pay using a credit or debit card.

Post a cheque

Throughout 2021 all major New Zealand banks will stop issuing and accepting cheques as a method of payment.

As a result, Auckland Transport no longer accept cheques.

See our other ways to pay or contact your bank for help.

Please do not send cash.