Wolverton culverts upgrade project updates Wolverton culverts upgrade project updates
1 June
Work to construct the new culverts on Wolverton Street will start in early June.
In early June, Auckland Transport will begin a programme to replace two culverts on Wolverton Street. One culvert is located next to the St John Ambulance Station, and the other next to the Gull Petrol Station/Olympic Place.
Both the Whau and Waitahurangi streams flow through culverts under Wolverton Street, and they need to be replaced because they are both past their design life. Once the project is complete, the culverts will provide a more resilient stormwater system for West Auckland and reduce the risk of flooding in the area.
The entire culvert replacement project will take approximately 18-24 months to complete.
We have designed the project to minimise the impact on residents, local businesses and drivers as much as possible. However, the works may create delays on the roads around New Lynn during peak travel periods.
During construction, a ‘tidal flow’ traffic system will be in operation on Wolverton Street between Portage Road and St Georges Road. The tidal flow will provide two lanes for vehicles travelling along the busier side of the road during peak travel periods.
Below is information that may help you during construction of the new culverts.
Information for driving around New Lynn
During construction of the culverts, vehicles will not be able to do the following:
- Turn right from Taylor Street on to Wolverton Street.
- Turn right from Wolverton Street on to Ulster Road.
- Turn right from Wolverton Street on to Olympic Place.
Access to businesses in the area will be maintained at all times.
During the works, it is recommended that you avoid using Wolverton Street, between Portage Road and St Georges Road, during peak travel periods.
The car park at Olympic Park will remain open, along with the playground, but a section of the walkway will be closed.
Information for commuters to the city centre
If possible, use public transport instead of driving.
Train services on the Western Line leave every 10 minutes during morning and afternoon peaks.
If you need to drive, allow extra time for your usual journeys.
Use alternative routes, such as Great North Road, Rata Street or Blockhouse Bay Road.
Information for public transport users
If you use bus services, you may need to travel earlier than usual to get into the city by a specific time, or wait until after 9am when travel times will decrease. We anticipate delays to the 24B, 24R, 68, 107 and 243X bus services during this period.
Other services that may be affected by the works include 18, 22N, 138, 151X, 171X, 172X, 191, 223X and 670.
Bus users should refer to AT’s website or download the AT Mobile phone app for real time bus departures and locations.
Train services will be unaffected.
We understand this project may cause inconvenience for you and we appreciate your patience while we carry out these vital works.