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Fanshawe Street car park Fanshawe Street car park

Parking fees

Day and time Fee

Monday to Friday 6am to 6am

Hourly rate $5

Maximum fee per day $24 (until 6am)

Weekends Flat rate $7 per day
Tariffs are a guideline only and subject to change. Refer to the schedule of fees at the car park entry.


72 - 100 Fanshawe Street

Entrance on Fanshawe Street, near Nelson Street intersection.

Parking convenient to Viaduct, Wynyard Quarter, Downtown, Victoria Park.

Operating hours

Monday to Friday 6am to 12am (midnight), all levels.

Saturday and Sunday 6am to 12am (midnight), levels 1 and 1A only.

Closed on all public holidays.

AT Park app

Area ID

AT Park area ID 100609

Pay with theAT Park app and avoid the payment machines, 

Live parking availability

You can use the AT Park app map to see live availability of parking.

Open the app, select the ‘Map’ option, and zoom in to Fanshaw street car park.

Live parking availability shows the parking spaces available for each AT Park Area ID.

Fanshawe car park building

Car park features

Vehicle height clearance 2.1m.

Multi-storey car park.

509 parking spaces.

Well lit.

Weekend parking

Flat rate $7 per day.

Valid until 6am the next day.

Level 4A is not available on the weekend.

The Graham Street entrance/exit (level 4A) is closed on weekends.

Mobility parking

Fanshawe Street car park building has 10 spaces in total.

Level 1 - 4 spaces

Level 4A - 6 spaces

* The 6 spaces on Level 4A are not available on the weekend due to the car park being closed

Monthly parking

Reserved allocated lease $368

Learn more about monthly leases and check availability.

Payment options

Pay at payment machines with Visa or Mastercard.

Or pay with the AT Park app.

Motorcycle parking

AT offers free designated parking for motorcycles in all of its car park buildings.

Parking spaces for motorcycles are clearly marked out and only one motorcycle per park is permitted.

Parking scenarios to help calculate your parking costs

Scenario 1: Park on Friday at 7am and leave at 10pm. Total cost = $24 - the maximum daily rate during the week.

Scenario 2: Park on Friday at 8pm and return later than you planned. Will you be able to get your car out?

Fanshawe Street car park is open from 6am Friday until midnight so you will be able to remove your car at any time before midnight on Friday. If you want to remove your car when the car park is closed (eg. between 12am - 6am Saturday), you will need to contact Armourguard on 080 0900 015 for assistance and pay a release fee additional to your parking fee.

Terms and conditions

AT does not allow any advertising without prior authorisation or the sale or distribution of any goods in our car parks, unless it is part of a licensed market activity during the market's operating hours.

AT does not allow the distribution of advertising material or storage of goods in its car parks.

View AT's car park terms and conditions.